About the Association
we combine all professional players of fruit and berry market

and the organizer of leading branch events, practical business-tours inside of Ukraine and abroad and also educational trainings. Moreover, The Association is a member of the work group of Agrarian Committee of Verkhovna Rada, participates in bill’s elaborating that connected with horticultural sector and agricultural sphere in general.
The Association has active cooperation with leading experts and specialists in the sphere of: agronomy, certification, jurisprudence, land relations, taxation etc.
Promotion and diversification of export of Ukrainian berries, fruits and products of their processing. Formation of the Ukraine’s image on the international arena as a reliable supplier of quality production. Stimulation of Ukrainian farms to the certification of production according to the international standards, adherence of packaging requirements and products branding.
Lobbying the legislation in the horticulture sphere and interaction with state offices and realm establishments. The Association is a mediator between representatives of the sector and officials and relevant government offices, undertakes everything possible that requirements and comments could be heard and taken into account by state officials during drafting bills.
Satisfaction of internal demands on quality berries, fruits and products of their processing, expanding of assortment, popularization of fruit and berry production that stimulates the consumption of fruit and berry production in Ukraine.
Preparation of qualified personal for development of the industry. Increase of experts’ qualification of different parts of the sector. Training in staff management and business conducting. Master classes and practical business tours.
Analytics of the sector’s dynamics and conjuncture of Ukrainian and World market. Analytics and prediction of price dynamics. Trends and tendentious. Dynamic of production and influence of weather conditions and other factors.
Conducting international and national conferences, trainings and congresses that are directed on the discussion of main problems of the industry and the ways of their solving, familiarizing market players with innovative decisions and technologies, discussions on strategies and vectors of the further market development, studying and acquiring the experience of the Ukrainian and foreign companies etc.
The team of Ukrainian Berries Association is high qualified and aware experts, that have experience on the management positions and genuinely believe in the potential of Ukraine as a leading player of the global berry sector
Mytropolyta A. Sheptytskoho Str. 4, BC KOMOD, of. 49, Kyiv, 02002, Ukraine