Why Chilling should be Compulsory for Processing IQF Blueberry

Why Chilling should be Compulsory for Processing IQF Blueberry

 Demand for frozen berries is increasing as people tend to consume more natural smoothies, juices and vitamin rich products. The demand on high quality of these products is just as high. IQF blueberries is one of the most trending products in this niche and the right processing practices are crucial for high quality IQF frozen products.

 Why Chilling should be Compulsory for Processing IQF Blueberry 

For cultivated blueberries, the process starts typically with washing followed by chilling, dewatering, sometimes removing stalks and leaves, and then IQF freezing. For wild blueberries, they are rarely washed due to their brittle structure, hence only some processors choose to carefully wash.

Processors often use the IQF freezer as both chiller and freezer, which is highly time and energy consuming.

Using a chiller to cool products increase freezer capacity by 10% and improves product quality by significantly lowering products' core temperature. Defrost time in the IQF tunnel is reduced by 50% due to the use of a chiller and dewatering shaker before freezing.  

Efficient Chilling and Dewatering Blueberry

A high volume of circulated ice-cold water in OctoFrost Water bath chiller cools products' core temperature to 5°C. Then use OctoFrost dewatering shaker with Air-knife to dewater the excess water from products' surface and evenly distribute the product layer for efficient IQF freezing. Specifically, for cultivated blueberry, its surface water can easily crack the product if not dewatered before freezing.

IQF Freezing of Cultivated Blueberry 

The typical challenges processors face while IQF freezing blueberries are surface cracks and burns on the products' surface due to slow freezing and metal mesh belts. In the OctoFrost Freezer, the fan speeds are adjustable and can create unique aerodynamics for a gentle but quick crust-freezing. The use of perforated bedplates in the freezer allows an upward airstream to prevent surface cracks and results in product separation. 

IQF Freezing of Wild Blueberries

Wild blueberry often comes with many leaves and stems that most freezers require to remove before freezing. For loose stalks and leaves, it is suggested to use a simple fan to blow before freezing. For the attached leaves and stalks, the well-controlled airspeed in OctoFrost IQF Freezer can efficiently separate the particles from the berry. 

Cost-efficient production, high wholesale price

OctoFrost IQF processing equipment's unique features contribute to achieving natural-looking and nutrient-rich IQF products and running a profitable and sustainable production that uses less water, energy, and manual work. Above anything, frozen food is the answer for food waste reduction for a better world.